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Sitting with the Daisies


Learn more about yourself so you can improve how you engage with the world and handle issues that arise.

Counselling provides a secure relationship in which you feel supported and encouraged to embrace yourself and your life in order to make significant changes.  It also teaches you how to cope in a world of uncertainty and stress.  How we feel about ourselves and how we interact with others influences our personal success and quality of life. 
Counselling is for anyone who would like to live better. It is for people who want to notice positive shifts in their behaviour, those who need to get through difficult times and survive, and those who want to learn more about how they affect others.  Counselling is for those whose relationships are ending or beginning, are stale or stuck; those that want to thrive rather than merely exist; and those who want to realise their own potential and become accountable for their own happiness.
The relationship between client and counsellor is important and you are encouraged to try out and select the right counsellor for you.  The outcome of counselling is better if you, the client, want to be in it, rather than being in it to please others.

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